Arts, Heritage & Culture

The first people in the region were of Cree and Ojibway heritage. An old Ojibway legend tells the story of how Red Lake got its name. Aboriginal heritage and culture are still strong in our community today and this heritage is part of what makes Red Lake unique. Planes became to be the most popular form of travel to the goldfields. In 1936 Howey Bay was the busiest airport in the world, transporting freight and passengers to and from the area every 15 minutes!

From 1930 to the present, there have been more than 26 different mine sites developed and mined in the area. Today there have been five separate communities built around these gold mines. Evolution Mining Ltd. is one of the world's top gold manufacturers and continues to drive the local economy.

Red Lake also has a vibrant tourism industry and is the Norseman Floatplane Capital of the World! Logging and commerce with the First Nations communities to the north are also important economic activities.

So much makes Red Lake a beautiful and exciting place to be!


To learn more about arts, heritage, and culture in our community, visit the following link: Red Lake Museum
