


146 Howey St, Red Lake, Ontario  P0V 2M0          
(807) 727-2297

For current employment opportunities - Please check the Job Zone 



Potential Employers

Red Lake has many employment opportunities. Below is a list of potential employers within the area:

Conseil Scolaire du District
Catholique des Aurores Boreales

Box 249, 54 Discovery Road
Red Lake, ON  P0V 2M0
Phone: 807-727-3108
Website: www.csdcab.on.ca

Evolution Mining Ltd. 
Red Lake Gold Mines

Contact:  Human Resources
Bag 2000, Balmertown, ON P0V 1CO
Phone: 807-735-2077
Website: Evolution Mining 

Great Bear Resources Ltd.
A Kinross company

104 Howey St, Box 703, 
Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0
Contact:  Mac Potter
Phone: 807-631-6002
Email: mac.potter@kinross.com
Website: www.kinross.com

Keewatin Patricia District School Board

100 First Ave W., Kenora, ON P9N 3Z7 Kenora Office: 807-468-5571
Dryden Office: 807-223-5311
Website: www.kpdsb.on.ca

Keewaytinook Okimakanak-Northern Chiefs

Box 340, Balmertown, ON P0V 1C0 Phone: 807-735-1381
Website: www.knet.ca

Kenora Catholic District School Board

Box 888, Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0 Phone: 807-468-9851
Website: www.kcdsb.ca

West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd.
Red Lake Madsen Mine

#2 Mine St., Box 304, Madsen, ON P0V 2C0 807-749-3325 
Website: westredlakegold.com

Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital

Box 5005, Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0 Phone: 807-727-2231
Website: www.redlakehospital.ca
Email: jobs@redlakehospital.ca 

Ministry of Natural Resources

Box 5003, Red Lake, ON  P0V 2M0 Office: 807-727-2253
Red Lake Fire Base: 807-727-2000
Website: www.mnr.gov.on.ca
Job Postings: www.gojobs.gov.on.ca

Municipality of Red Lake

Box 1000, Balmertown, ON P0V 1C0 Phone: 807-735-2096
Website: www.red-lake.com

Ontario Provincial Police 
Red Lake Detachment

Box 342, Red Lake, ON P0V 2M0 Red Lake Detachment 807-727-2418
Website: www.opp.ca